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rest day 休息日;假日;〔罕用語〕星期日;【宗教】安息日。

rest energy

To pay 200 percent of the usual wage for work during rest days if the rest could not be delayed to another time (三)法定休假日安排勞動者工作的,支付不低于工資的百分之三百的工資報酬。

Criminals enjoy rest days , holidays and traditional ethnic festivals , in accordance with the state ' s unified regulations 罪犯享受國家統一規定的休息日、節假日和民族傳統節日。

New control measures were introduced after this outbreak , including a compulsory retail market rest day 在禽流感爆發后,政府推行新措施,包括規定零售街市進行休市清潔日。

Employee ' s rest day may fall on any day within the week and is subject to arrangement of employer 1每二周一次的休息日將依照雇主的安排,并可落在每二周的任何一天。

Four rest days per month in the wholesale market ( 9 , 10 , 24 and 25th days of each month ) 批發市場每月進行四次休市清潔日(每月的九日、十日、廿四日及廿五日)

Overtime employment , night work and working on rest days and statutory holidays are prohibited 禁止青年超時工作、在夜間工作,以及在休息日和法定假日工作。

Four rest days per month in the wholesale market 9 , 10 , 24 and 25th days of each month 批發市場每月進行四次休市清潔日(每月的九日、十日、廿四日及廿五日)

Diana means moon : suma ch holds retreats rest days during the moon festival each year 戴安娜月亮:清海無上師于每年中秋節都會舉辦打禪安息日!

Date of accession or date of form filling should not be any rest day on timecard 要注意入廠登記表上的入廠日期或填表日期不能是工卡上的休息日。

Notice fixing permissible working hours , intervals for meals or rest , and rest days 訂定許可的工作時數、用膳或休息時間,及休息日的通告

1 sunday is set as the official weekly rest day in accordance with the customs of germany 按照德國的習慣,每周的星期日為法定休息日。

For section a2 : please find out or project the lowest rest days of a worker in each month A2項注釋:找出并注明工人每月最少休息天數。

Young persons employed in an industrial undertaking shall be given one rest day a week 受雇于工業經營內的青年每周應享有一天休息日。

Market rest days 休市清潔日

Two rest days per month for all retail outlets 10 and 25th days of each month 零售市場每月進行兩次休市清潔日(每月的十日及廿五日)

Rest day on every 休息日逢星期

There are no rest day 沒有休息日。

When are the rest days 什么時候休息?

Rest day for poultry retail outlets brought forward to protect public health 活家禽檔休市清潔日提前進行以保障公眾健康